***we interrupt this blog for some important BREAKING NEWS!! The website is up and running!!*** go check it out! www.sunshinequilting.com. I will wait here.
queso, welcome back.
So, we live in the land of "Breaking Bad" and we have become unofficial location scouts. Every time we see a cool building or landscape, we think, "this would be a good scene for the t.v. show. Case in point:We were out driving around and came upon this building. I set the camera to "sepia" and took this picture. Is this not the coolest abandoned bar? I think Gus will be pulling up any minute. Uh-oh, this isn't looking good. Well, good-bye Bar. (See! You totally believed that they blew up this bar!! I told you i was perfect!)
Speaking of bad, I had to unsew a bad, misbehaving quilt this week. No fun. Seam ripper was smokin' hot.
Queso, I celebrated my birthday by enjoying some Irish food at a pub in Albuquerque. Fish and chips and a black and tan. Wrapped it up with a delicious coconut cake made by Jessica. Delicious.
I got a cute hello kitty snowglobe, an awesome Chargers shirt and the complete dino tot collection from Sonic. For real! I know, jealous, right?
The other great event in October is of course, Halloween! and yay, I found this wall hanging that Kim and I made in a class taught by Pati. I had lost it for awhile, but found it hiding in the Halloween decorations. Now I just need to add some binding and finish it off.
Last Sunday, we had a football watching and Halloween coloring party. Here is my Hello Kitty contribution:
Krysta and Meghan made these spooky cupcakes:
On a Quilty note, here are the potholders I made for a swap with the Atlanta Modern Quilt Guild. My swap buddy likes aqua (the color of the vintage mason jars) and white with splashes of red, so here is what I came up with. I have been drawing a lot of birds lately . . . weird. I can't wait to receive my pot holders.
And, as for customer quilts, here is "Stacked Coins" for Gina. I also did a few others this week, pictures to follow. Here are some feathers on a quilt for me: I plan to add some micro stippling later.
I have a temporary lull in my quilting schedule coming up, so if you want to get your quilt tops intended for Christmas gifts to me, I have the first week of November WIDE OPEN for you . . . and lots more openings the rest of the month too.
Next week, Sweetie and I travel to Iowa to talk to Nolting about becoming the distributors for them in NM and AZ!! Very excited about that!
All right, time to go cheer for the Eagles as my Chargers have a bye week. Cheerio