Summery table topper I made out of my stash. Perfect for this warm breezy day. It's 36 inches square, no overhang off the table to make your legs all hot when dining "al fresco" (Who's this Al Fresco guy anyway?)
So my adorable man pointed out that this is one of the only projects he has seen me complete from start to finish in the almost one year we have been together. HMMM, got me thinking that I am not a "finisher." I am a starter, a dreamer, a planner. I have AADD. Artistic attention deficit disorder. I am distracted by new fabric, new patterns, dreams, greeting cards, whatever idea pop in my head, so I leave the boring old quilting or binding or rest of the piecing on one project to start another.
I took his comment to heart and (drumroll please) I actually put the binding on a fairly good sized quilt last night as well. My celebration (party cake) quilt. So, yay, cross another one (well, one) off of the list.
BUT I CONFESS! I really want to start a whole new project using Miss Happy Zombie's bright and happy Christmas gnomie-licious fabric. It's actually called "Holiday Happy." Luckily, the fabric isn't available to me yet, but when it is, I will be hard pressed to avoid my AADD - I dreamed up a great design for this. I love that she used such fresh, bright colors for Christmas, don't you? I have decorated Christmas in this color scheme before and it is truly holiday happy.
Sundays are such great days lately. It has been really fun for us to find new restaurants to go to, and then going to eat and out to the movies with youngest son. He is so much fun to be around. Even if he wasn't my kid, I would want to hang around with him. This past Sunday we decided to go for pizza instead of our usual breakfast fare, and saw the "A-Team" and it was GREAT. Surprisingly great. I mean, I love action movies, but I thought this was going to be very cheesy and kind of immature. BUT it was a wonderful balance of funny, unbelievable stunts and plans, great dialog, great casting. I highly recommend it. Pay for the big screen to see the big action. Then, go home and bind a quilt. Like I did. If I can finish a project, so can you.
heck, I might even bind another one of the multitudinous unbound quilts roaming about the abode this week.